Ann Wagner

Copy Editor

If you don’t know your em dash from a hole in the ground, Ann will kindly set you straight. As our copy editor and proofreader, she makes sure words and punctuation find their proper places in the content we create for our clients.

A former high school English teacher, Ann transitioned to the business world to manage internal and external communications for a medical society, a human resources consulting company, and a large health insurer. Each new role exposed her to new platforms and channels, but her mastery of syntax remained constant. She was the final set of eyes and had the final say on whatever content went out the door.

At Rain BDM, Ann is still knee-deep in words, using a variety of tools to scrutinize clients’ web pages, attorney bios, blogs, social media posts, advertisements, newsletters, brochures, and holiday cards, among other things. She’s got style (AP Style), tracks changes like nobody’s business, wields a mighty red pen, and has the uncanny ability to read documents forward and backward equally well.


  • Michigan State University, Bachelor of Arts in English, with honors