In the News
Show Cause and Vote 2020!
By Rain BDM | 09.30.2020
In case you need a reminder, we are 34 days away from the most vital election in our lifetimes.
Because of (or despite) a backdrop of polarizing politics, a global pandemic, social unrest, and record unemployment, every American needs to cast a ballot at the polls or a mailbox this year. Period.
If you haven’t registered to vote, there’s still time. If you need to vote absentee, fill out the paperwork now. No matter your political leanings or where you stand on the issues, you must participate. We should all agree that the real opponent in the upcoming election is the nonvoter.
More than half of eligible Americans don’t vote. The reasons vary. Some people have been made to feel – purposely or otherwise – that their votes don’t matter. Others are disillusioned by the process. Others don’t have access to the ballot box.
Protecting Voters and Votes
Through our Show Cause program, Rain BDM is supporting non-partisan organizations dedicated to voting rights, elimination of voter suppression, voter registration, and safe polling places. We’ll be spotlighting each in weekly posts leading up to November 3, but here’s the list for now:
Casting your vote in this election is the price of admission to our democracy. Do more – let’s make sure everyone has a ticket to the show.
Photo credit: Kari Sullivan on Unsplash