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Show Cause: Rain Supports Children of the Night
By John Reed | 06.11.2024
Sex trafficking of American children is a vast and serious problem, with shocking numbers to back it up. In 2022, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reported over 19,000 cases. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 300,000 American youth are at risk of commercial sexual exploitation annually, and the FBI notes that the average age of entry into the sex trade for minors is just 12 to 14 years old. To tackle and prevent this awful crime, we need to ramp up public awareness, strengthen legal protections, provide better support for at-risk youth, and boost law enforcement efforts.
Children of the Night Stands by Children Whose Lives Are Shattered by Sexual Exploitation and Helps Rebuild Their Futures.
Over the past 45 years, Children of the Night has saved more than 12,000 American children from prostitution. They have not only achieved a 70–80% success rate in permanently removing youth from this exploitation but also provided them with tailored care and education to help them transition away from the streets and toward fulfilling, productive lives.
Children of the Night is the only place in America offering a lifeline for children in dangerous situations at seedy motels or truck stops across the country. Trained caseworkers are available around the clock to rescue and relocate these children without involving law enforcement, ensuring their safety and well-being.
Showing Cause for Victims Who Pursue Higher Learning
In 2024, Rain’s Show Cause social responsibility effort focuses on kids from birth to adulthood. Education from preschool onward is incredibly valuable; for many, obtaining a college degree can profoundly impact their lives.
Most years, Children of the Night allocates 87% or more of their funds to the direct care and education of children and young people who have been victimized by prostitution. They have also funded college educations for over 100 victims, and we chose to contribute to this vital initiative of Children of the Night.