Blogs & Social Media
Law Firm Blogging S.O.S.
By John Reed | 05.16.2019
Trying to manage your firm’s blog and blogging efforts? Have you and your fellow bloggers hit a writer’s block? Do you and your colleagues simply lack the time to focus on your content marketing initiatives the way you had hoped?
Is Your Law Firm’s Blog Feeling Lonely and Neglected?
It’s not easy. You have a practice to maintain and grow, and you’re tired of fighting the good fight to feed your firm’s blog. But you also realize that blogging can be an essential piece of the firm’s marketing strategy.
Here’s a fact you can share with the blogging naysayers at your firm: A vast majority of law firm websites lack personalized content – such as blogs – that can motivate prospective clients to make contact. A blog lets you demonstrate your knowledge and give readers a sense of who you are and what you know. The harsh reality is that maintaining a blog can be a challenge when you have other demands on your time.
Think of Us as Your Own Personal Writing Staff
If your blog is floundering, we can offer a lifeline. From coming up with new topics and drafting original content, to publishing and distributing your posts on social media, Rain BDM offers a comprehensive and scalable blog management solution over which you retain ultimate editorial control.
We will collaborate with you to generate unique, custom content tailored to your preferred voice and tone, and serve as your writing staff.
And if you haven’t yet established your social media presence on LinkedIn, Twitter, and other networks, Rain BDM can also assist with setting up company pages and attorney profiles by writing the text and creating graphics consistent with your website and blog.
To download a copy of our blogging checklist ebook, click on the image below.
We Are Attorneys & Legal Content Specialists
If you’re feeling that your blog has gotten the better of you, put away the white flag and don’t even think about throwing in the towel. Instead, get help from Rain BDM.
Because we’re attorneys and legal marketers, we not only understand substantive law and procedure but can also analyze and translate even the most complex issues into language that will resonate with your target audience.
Along with business development training and coaching and other marketing services, we offer soup-to-nuts blog management that will give you peace of mind and let you get back to doing what you do best – practicing law.